Fishing industry of the Far East: a study of the managerial aspects of development in the context of anti-Russian sanctions

  • Латкин Александр Павлович

    Alexander P. Latkin. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Among the most important problems of the promising socio-economic development of Russia in the context of a radical change in the external environment under the influence of anti-Russian sanctions, the key place is occupied by the preservation of stable dynamics of the development of aquatic biological resources. It is she who, along with the really secured efficiency of import substitution in all industries, can become the basis for economic security and preserving the demographic potential of our country in the next period of presidential rule. The results of many years of research by the author of the theory and practice of managing enterprises of economic specialization are presented. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the effectiveness of the functioning of fishery enterprises in the Far Eastern basin, where most of
them perform a socially significant function of city-forming enterprises on the vast coast of the Pacific Ocean. The main conclusions and proposals of the author are based on a generalization of the retrospec tive and modern practice of state regulation of the multifaceted and extremely risky production and economic process of extraction, transportation and processing of fish and seafood to ensure the growing de-
mand of domestic and foreign markets.
Keywords: fisheries, economic efficiency, the Far East, fishing fleet, modernization, anti-Russian sanctions, public administration, food security, analysis.
